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Starting a bath bomb business from home

Starting a bath bomb business comes with many benefits. You can start it in your kitchen with minimal initial investment because the ingredients are inexpensive, and there is no need for sophisticated equipment.


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How to invest your time wisely in the early stages of a startup?

When you are working at a startup, time is the most important asset you have. Your human resources are likely the greatest or the only kind of capital you have.

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How can headless commerce help businesses in current eCommerce challenges?

Headless commerce is an API-led microservices approach which also falls in the family of composable commerce. This technique eliminates the customer-facing frontend – the head – the order management system and shopping functionality on the backend.

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Ultimate guide to selling art online

Whether you are a curator or a creator hoping to make money by selling art online, this guide is for you. In this guide, we will cover everything from promoting to pricing and shipping your artwork.


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4 best niche markets to consider for an online business

"Jack of all trades, master of none" holds well for online business. It says a general seller can do everything decently, but a specialist does his only job exceptionally.

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