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Fraud Awarness tips

MotorsHIFI is always commited to prevent frauds. Please review the following tips below, and use your best judgment in all transactions.
Help us stop fraud. If you receive a suspicious email or are the victim of a scam, email us and law enforcement right away.

Step 1: If you are the victim of a scam, please email us with as much information about your particular situation as possible.
Step 2: Forwa

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Steps to Sell your car

You are a private seller or dealer. You are looking to sell your car. MotorsHIFI recommends the following for you:

• Family sedans, while unexciting to many, are in constant demand by people needing basic, inexpensive transportation.
• The sale of convertibles and sports cars is seasonal. Sunny weather brings out the buyers. Fall and winter months will be slow.
• Trucks and vans, used for work, are steady sellers and

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Your Car Selling and Buying Needs are Addressed Comprehensively

There is a difference between Personal vehicles and Commercial vehicles. The difference lies in the intent the vehicle is used for and the extent of usage. You use a private vehicle for your personal use and the amount of usage in terms of the distance covered is genrally low. A commercial fleet however is used for profit-making purposes and has higher numbers in the odometer. In both the cases, you need to sell the vehicle at some point in time.To find the right

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How to create a sellable car advertisement

Attention all Dealers and Private Sellers, If you want to sell your car ... below are few engrossing suggestions:

Advertise your car online. Probably this is the easiest way to attract your customers. These sites can be very effective and are simple to use. Adverts with photos and videos get huge responses.  MotorsHIFI is one of the best online vehicle classified

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FREE Promotional Coupons Code giveaway offer to Dealers and Private Sellers with 100% discounts from MotorsHiFi! Hurry! First come first serve!

MotorsHiFi is offering FREE promotional codes via our blog and social media.  The First 50 Dealers and 50 Private Sellers registering with us will be rewarded with a FREE Platinum Plan.  Second 50 Dealers and 50 Private Sellers will be rewarded with a FREE Gold Plan.  Third 50 Dealers and 50 Private Sellers will be rewarded with a FREE Silver Plan.  That’s a 100% discount to all paid pac

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