Covid-19 guidelines for yard sale issued by LHCM.

Posted on Feb 14th 2021

US code enforcement department LHCM has issued the yard sale regulations necessary to follow to avoid any mishap.  

Covid19 Guidelines for Yard Sale:

Please follow the guidelines given below to ensure public health and safety and a successful yard sale.

All items sold at a yard sale should be used goods from that household and not acquired elsewhere for resale.

Yard sales can only be conducted on the 2nd full weekend of every month from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, 4-yard sales per calendar year (Friday-Sunday). The Division Manager may approve a yard sale on an alternate weekend under special circumstances. For that, an additional form will be required. Please call for more information.

No more than ten people are allowed at a time (front yard).

Maintain social distancing at least 6-ft apart (including tables & chairs). If signs are posted promoting the yard sale, please encourage social distancing and remove them after the event. (ex: wear masks, keep 6-ft. apart)

Wear masks and gloves during the sale and provide a trash can to discard PPE equipment (ex: face mask, gloves, etc.)

Clean & disinfect high touch point areas and surfaces.

The use of hand sanitizer is encouraged. If possible, have hand sanitizer available for use during the sale.

Conduct the sale outside rather than in an enclosed garage.

Encourage people to stand in line (6ft apart) during high traffic times (ex: use tape to form a flow for customers to follow)

Ensure all merchandise is washed and dried or disinfected before placing it on a table/chair for sale.

Community yard sales are not encouraged during the COVID-19 pandemic (ex: HOA neighborhood/block yard sales)

Keep following the official website of LHCM for regular updates on the yard sale regulations and new announcements.